Staying connected with family and friends is easier than ever. Social networking sites have made it ultra simple to keep up with all the latest news and important information. I have to admit I was a bit leery of Facebook when it first got started back in 2004. But a couple years ago, I couldn’t resist my Mom’s invitation to be her Facebook ‘friend’, and I have to say, I’ve enjoyed the chance to interact with friends on a regular basis and connect with people I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet otherwise.
So why am I plugging a social network service? Glad you asked! On Monday, September 12th, a group of us devotional writers are launching a Facebook page – Living by Grace. Jennifer Slattery describes Living by Grace as, “…a modern-day, gather at the well experience designed to foster relationship-building while encouraging a closer walk with the Savior.”
Designed as an encouraging place to dig into the Word of God, Living by Grace, will offer devotionals, Monday through Saturday, each written by a different blogger. What makes it unique? Living by Grace is so much more than a devotional site. It’s a place for readers to join in daily discussions –posting comments and asking questions. A great forum to study God’s Word!
It’s a true honor to be part of a team of godly women who are seeking to make 2 Peter 3:18 a reality: “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen” (KJV).
Here’s a sneak peek at each Living by Grace hostess, and a look at our posting schedule:
Monday: Joanne Sher - Jewish by birth, Christian by re-birth, and a writer by gift. A native southern Californian, she now lives happily in west Michigan with her husband and two school-aged children. She is a blogger and writer, of both true-life stories and fiction, attempting to ride God’s grace over rough roads. http://www.joannesher.com
Tuesday: Maria I. Morgan – an inspirational/devotional writer, whose passion is to share the truths of God’s Word with today’s generation. She is a regular contributor to Around About Cumming, and Cumming Patch. You can visit her on the web Tuesdays and Thursdays for a life lesson you can relate to. Maria lives in Georgia with her husband, Steve, daughter, Riley, their two dogs and cat. http://www.mariaimorgan.blogspot.com
Wednesday: Jessica R. Patch – grew up in southern Illinois before attending Central Bible College, where she majored in Missions and Bible. She is devoted to her local church, having served as a Biblical Studies teacher, Women’s Ministry leader, Regional Women’s Representative, and volunteer co-pastor with her husband of the Young Adult Ministry. She’s taught workshops and frequently spoken to women’s ministry groups. Her heart is to help women step out into deeper waters of intimacy with Jesus Christ. http://jessicarpatch.blogspot.com
Thursday: Lynda Schultz – is a ‘never-married.’ She has served in church ministry as Director of Christian Education in several Canadian churches. For the past thirty years or so, she has been a missionary with a Canadian Baptist mission and has served in Colombia and Venezuela, as well as on the home staff. She is currently Director of Christian Education/Spiritual Formation in Timmins, Ontario and works part time with the mission in the area of communications. Lou Lou Belle and Abby are her Venezuelan cats who live with her in Canada. She likes reading, writing, but definitely not arithmetic, in addition to cooking and plants. http://web.mac.com/lyndalee1, http://lyndasgrainsofsand.blogspot.com, and http://web.me.com/lyndalee1/NorthernBreezes
Friday: Patty Wysong – an ordinary girl living the good life, the life God gave her. A home executive with over 20 years of experience, she homeschools three of her five children, but don’t let that fool you. Much of her time is spent working on what God has placed in her hand: her keyboard. From the corner of her living room she writes inspirational fiction, devotionals, blog posts, and teaches online blogging workshops. You’ll also find her drinking kood aid from her china cup, preparing for the ladies’ Bible study she leads, and helping at their church. Through her writing, Patty has found the extraordinary God in her ordinary life. http://www.pattywysong.com
Saturday: Jennifer Slattery – writes for Christ to the World Ministries, the Christian Pulse and Samie Sisters. She loves seeing people experience the life-changing love of Christ. She believes no sin is too sinful, no heart to dark, no wound too deep when placed in the pierced hands of Christ. And she prays daily that her writing will allow others to catch a glimmer of God’s all-consuming love. http://jenniferslatterylivesoutloud.com
So hop over to our Facebook page today and say ‘hello’! And won’t you grab your Bibles and join us on Monday for the official launch of Living by Grace?!
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank You for an opportunity to study Your Word at Living by Grace. I pray for wisdom and discernment for each devotional writer. Bless each one who stops by the site with a desire to grow in the things of You. For Your honor and glory, Amen.