Wife, mother, teacher, counselor -
Lori Holt wears many different hats. The most inspiring thing about this young lady? She strives to serve the Lord with every talent and ability He's given her. Today I have the wonderful opportunity to introduce you to Lori. Join me in welcoming this missionary wife ministering in the country of Chile.
Maria: Thanks for joining us today, Lori! Tell us a bit about yourself:
Lori: I’m a sinner saved by God’s grace and blessed way beyond
what I ever imagined! I’m so thankful
for all the people God has put into my life to help me to know Him more
fully. I have an aunt who led me to the
Lord when I was 14, and she and her husband were so instrumental in my life
when I came back to the Lord at the age of 19. I don’t know where I’d be without them. I really do believe with all my heart that I have the best pastor and
pastor’s wife in the world!
Austin Gardner knows God, and he knows, preaches, and lives out God’s Word. And he and Mrs. Betty have helped us more
than any other people we've ever known aside from our own parents! It’s such a privilege to have a pastor who
is also a father.
I’m married to
Jason Holt. He puts up with me and loves me
unconditionally. We have three healthy,
beautiful kids who have all accepted Christ as their Savior. What more could I ask for?
I enjoy cooking very much. I get real pleasure out of feeding my family and friends. I love hosting people in my home. God has given us a beautiful home here in
Chile, and it’s always full of people. I
love to decorate and garden. There’s
something about getting my hands in the dirt and working with plants that make
me feel relaxed.
I play piano,
horribly, but I play. I learned out of
necessity when we got to the mission field. It’s hard on my pride to play piano because I’d like to do it better,
but I do it for the Lord.
I really enjoy reading. I actually only read non-fiction
books to help me get closer to God. I
feel like I got a late start in my walk with the Lord, and I always have a lot
of catching up to do. The Bible is my
authority, and I like to read other books by godly, wise, people to help me
more fully understand how I can live for Him better. My favorite author is
Nancy LeighDeMoss. I have to give her a quick
plug. I listen to her radio broadcast on
itunes daily, and I've read almost all of her books.
Anyone who knows me well is laughing right
J I fully understand that I talk about her all
the time! But I really do appreciate the
influence her writings and recordings have had in my life and ministry. And I’m also an advocate for the “
True Woman”
movement she heads up. I appreciate the
effort she and others are making to help women fulfill their God-given
Maria: I appreciate you giving us a glimpse into your personal life. Did you always dream of being a missionary’s wife?
Lori: Yes and no. I wasn't raised in church. I have a wonderful
family; but we never talked about God or Jesus, or attended church. My testimony isn't pretty. It’s characterized by ugly words like drugs
and alcohol. But it’s also filled with a
very beautiful word: Grace! So, no, I didn't always dream of being a
missionary. I didn't even know what
missionaries did growing up.
But once I
accepted Christ and gave Him control of my life, He put that strong desire in
my heart almost immediately. Yes, being
a missionary was a dream I had, but more importantly a matter of prayer in my
life. I knew God would more likely lead
me to a man of God instead of a ministry.
I really longed for my own Christian family. So I took missions trips while in Bible
college, and trusted the Lord to line my desires up with His. And after what seemed to be a very long time,
He brought Jason into my life. We dated
for 10 short months, got married, and left for the mission field one year
later! It’s so fun looking back now at
how God has worked, and it reminds me to trust Him to keep doing awesome things
in the future!
Maria: What an amazing journey! It's so neat to hear how God worked. Describe the mission field in South America:
Lori: South America is very diverse; and obviously Chile is my
favorite country. Actually, Chile is one
of the most advanced countries on the continent. It costs a pretty penny to live here: gas stays between five and six dollars a
gallon, and I spend double on my grocery bill compared to costs in
Atlanta. But even though we have to pay
a lot to live here, it’s worth it! Chile
is a beautiful country. It’s 2500 miles
long and only about 90 miles wide, with terrain ranging from the driest desert
in the world in the north to the Patagonia region in the south.
Chile is a great harvest field. The predominately Catholic population is
looking for something new. This is true
in most parts of South America. And
though they aren't begging to hear the Gospel; with hard work and persistence,
you can see much fruit here. Jason
really believes that this is the time for action in South America. In Chile for example, people are ready. But we’re not the only ones here working for
their souls. There are Mormon temples in
every community, and Jehovah’s witnesses on the streets visiting everywhere you
look. So we’re working hard here and
anticipating that God will continue to do amazing things!
Dressing up for Chilean Independence Day |
Maria: The majority of Chileans speak Spanish, right? How long did it take
for you to learn the language?
Lori: Let’s see, counting our time in language school, we've been
in South America nearly ten years. And
I’m stilling learning Spanish! For me,
it’s a continual process. I do have an
advantage over some of my missionary friends serving in other parts of the
world, because Spanish is one of the easiest languages to learn. But don’t tell that to someone who just got
off the plane! Learning any language is
a huge hit on your pride. And if you’re
not willing to just throw yourself out there and make mistakes, you’ll never
I’d say that it took about 6 months to be able to
communicate on the level of a five-year old. Then after a year, I could teach in Spanish; but it took much more
effort than teaching in English.
with the Lord’s help, I have been doing all my devotions in Spanish for several
years (you can’t have Scripture in your heart to share with others in their
language if you’re not in the Word in their language), and can teach in Spanish
with about the same ease as teaching in English. But I still make mistakes all the time. It goes so much further than just
grammar. It’s culture. I've got to know the people to make the right
jokes, share the right illustrations, etc. Language is so important for a missionary. How can you talk to people about the most
important things in their lives; salvation, marriage, raising kids, faith,
forgiveness, and so on; without being able to express your heart in their
language? I am always working to speak
better and know the people more deeply.
A Wacky Tacky day of school |
Maria: Wow! I've never thought of it like that before. How challenging! I know you’ve home schooled your children in the past. How
has that changed?
Lori: I home schooled my
kids for 4 years. I enjoyed it; didn't love it, didn't hate it, but I enjoyed it. I am a teacher, I studied to be one and like doing it, and I don’t take
lightly the responsibility and privilege of educating my kids. But I started feeling a few years ago that
the Lord was showing me that there was a better way to juggle the roles of
wife, ministry, mom, and teacher.
I know He really wants me to redeem the time.
So I started praying about it. And He
has led us to start a new project that we all love. Each calendar school year, a young lady from
the US comes on a short-term mission trip to Chile and teaches my kids and other
missionary kids in our team. It’s really
been a game changer for the whole family. The kids have more social time, I have more ministry time, and we’re all
really thrilled. We’re finishing up our
first year, and already have a young lady lined up for next year! God has really led every step of the way!
Maria: What a neat opportunity for all involved! What is the biggest challenge to raising your children on
the mission field?
Lori: My kids love Chile. It’s home. The boys were born
here; so their “real” Chileans. When a
challenge presents itself, it's through me. And the root of that challenge always grows when I fail to take every
thought captive to Christ. If I keep my
mind on the most important thing; world evangelism, then I’m happy and
fulfilled. But I sure can throw a good
pity party! I have thoughts like, “My
kids never get to have family around for birthday parties.” “I wish people would stop staring at me in
the grocery store.” “I miss Mom!” And the list goes on and on.
Recently a childhood
friend suddenly passed away. Our parents
and hers have been dear friends all my life.
Leah, the 37 year old who died, was their only child. I want to do more than pray, send a card, or
make a phone call. I want to give them a
hug, make them some food, love on them. It’s tough. I’m detached. But
then the Lord reminds me that our family has a much higher purpose than just
these things. He has given us a high
calling to be missionaries to share His Word with the people of Chile. And the truth is, we have an amazing life
here. I wouldn't have it any other
Kid’s play off of their parent’s emotions. We recently went back to the States for our
first real furlough. We were home for
nine months. We were all excited about it. But I remember thinking, “Life is going to be so fun in the States, I
sure hope the kids don’t think their life in Chile is boring when we get
back.” And we did have a blast!

We spent some amazing time with family, got
the kids good and saturated with some of their American culture (they really
needed that), and even went to Disney World. You can’t get any more American than that. But when we got back home, I never heard a
word, not one word, about missing the States. And we came back to a house still
under construction with no running water. But they were thrilled to be back. And the two youngest ones had even forgotten all their Spanish. And though I don’t want to sound like I’m
taking all the credit for that; I really believe most of it has to do with
Jason and me. We love Chile. When I throw pity parties, they’re very
J So the kids play off of us. If we’re excited about something, they are
too. If we don’t like something, they
don’t either. My pastor says, “Show me a
missionary who’s kids hate the mission field, and you can guarantee that his
parents hate it too.” I think there’s a
lot of truth in that statement.
Maria: I'm glad your entire family loves the mission field in Chile. What is the funniest thing that’s happened there?
Lori: I’ll tell you a story that is funny now, but it wasn't in
the moment! I’m a TN girl. Jason calls me his Tennessee Hillbilly. So being a country girl, I like to go
fishing. And Santiago has no lakes,
which make it pretty hard to fish. Mom
(an expert fisher), was coming for a visit; so we planned a trip. I had been asking around and found out where
everyone in the city goes to catch fish. Oh, and by the way, Jason is a city boy; no fishing background
there. So we bought poles, reels, and
everything else we needed to have a good time.
Then we headed out for our day of adventure!

The area was about an hour and a half
away. We paid about $10 in tolls and
another $20 in gas to get there.
So we started looking for bait when we came to the edge of the
city. Everyone we asked said that no one
was selling bait right now and that we could find worms by looking under
rocks. I’m thinking, “Why does it have
to be so hard to have fun here? America
is so easy,” but I’m smiling at the kids and looking under rocks with
them. We found a few tiny worms after
about a half hour, and realized we’d just have to use the plastic bait we had
instead of live bait. We didn't even
know what we were going to be fishing for, so I guess it didn't really
matter. So we got back in the car and
started driving toward the lake.
When we
got there, it was drained!! Yes, there
was no water! No one told me that they
drain the lake at certain times of the year. So Jason’s “I’ll fix this” mode kicks in, and he gets out of the car and
starts walking in the mud where the water is supposed to be to see if the
little bit of water that is out there could possibly be deep enough for
fishing. And about 100 meters in, he
falls and is covered in mud!! The story
actually goes on and on, but I’ll stop there with this application: It really does take more effort to have a
good time on the mission field sometimes.
America is an entertainment culture, and we Americans are very spoiled
by convenient, clean, cheap, accessible, and good entertainment. You really have to use your imagination
sometimes on the mission field!
Maria: Hilarious! I wish you had pictures! On a more serious note, what is the most important lesson God has taught you, while
on the field?
Lori: That apart from Him, I am nothing and can do nothing. But He can use whomever He chooses. And for some reason I can’t understand, He
chooses to use me here. My pastor’s wife
told me once that she likes to make sure she’s never in a comfort zone. That’s a sign that we’re not pushing forward. So He’s taught me to keep pushing,
remembering that I’m just the tool. He’s the One really doing the work, and to Him be the glory for it!
Maria: That's a great lesson for all of us to apply. What goals do you have for the future?
Lori: Generally speaking; to get closer and closer to God
trying to know Him more intimately, to keep being a helper to Jason, raise
these kids up to love and serve the Lord and loves missions, win and train
Chileans to reach others, keep my eye on the ball and not to mess up too badly,
speak less and listen more, and bring honor to the Lord through my life.
Specifically, really, I’m trying not to think
too hard about it. I love goals; and I’m
involved in some projects right now that I’m really burdened about. But my calling is Jason Holt’s
help-meet. And one thing I've learned
over these 10 years of marriage: You
never know what he’s going to do next! So I’m just trying to be ready to have my heart aligned with his for the
visions and dreams God puts in his heart for Chile.
Maria: I look forward to seeing how God continues to use you! How can a person get involved in your ministry?
Lori: We need prayers! Pray
for us! Pray for the people of Chile! We
need co-laborers! We want to reach Chile
before it’s too late. Come and do it
with us!
We are taking another step of faith and starting church number 4
in a
city called Belloto. God has worked so
many things together to show us that this is His will. Please pray for this new church plant!
Maria: It's a privilege to be able to pray for the ministry there in Chile. What words of wisdom would you like to share with our
Lori: I’m too young to be wise
I’m turning 36 on Oct 12. But my God is
all-knowing! He says in Philippians…. “Brethren,
I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting
those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are
before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in
Christ Jesus.”
I don’t really have any
words of wisdom, more like words of encouragement for the ladies who are
reading: Figure out what your mark is
and press toward it! God intends for each one of His children
to go way beyond just being a wife, mother, church member, etc. He has a master plan: world
evangelism. And He wants everyone in
on it. I’m blessed because I get the
package deal. I’m married to a
missionary, so it’s easier for me to keep the main thing the main thing. So just ask the Lord to show you YOUR mark in
His plan, and press toward it with all you have. We can rest in eternity. Lord help me!
Maria: Thanks for those encouraging words, Lori - God bless you, Jason, and the family as you serve Him there in South America!
Connect with the Holts:
A BIG congratulations to Karen - winner of
Merisa Davis' book,
"Bill Cosby IS Right: But What Should the Church Be Doing About It?" Thanks for entering the contest last week, Karen - happy reading!