I remember staying up into the wee hours of the night attempting
to pack those last few boxes. It was the middle of summer and moving day was a
We were only moving fifteen miles away, but it was a lot more work than I had anticipated. That was over thirteen years ago.
We were only moving fifteen miles away, but it was a lot more work than I had anticipated. That was over thirteen years ago.
This week I’m in the final stages of moving to my new
cyberhome. It’s just a hop, skip, and a jump across the blogosphere, but this
move has also required a lot of work.
When I began the process several months ago, I really didn’t know what kind of design or layout I was after. I only knew it was time to migrate from a blog to a full-fledged website.
When I began the process several months ago, I really didn’t know what kind of design or layout I was after. I only knew it was time to migrate from a blog to a full-fledged website.
In a small way I can relate to the patriarch, Abraham, who
was issued a challenge by God: “Get thee out of thy country, and from thy
kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee,”
(Genesis 12:1; KJV).
What a tough assignment! To leave everything you’re familiar with and begin walking toward an unfamiliar destination.
Blogging for over three years at the same address has caused me to become comfortable. For a while now, I've felt the need to step out of my comfort zone and take steps into the slightly scary, unfamiliar territory of a new domain.
What a tough assignment! To leave everything you’re familiar with and begin walking toward an unfamiliar destination.
Blogging for over three years at the same address has caused me to become comfortable. For a while now, I've felt the need to step out of my comfort zone and take steps into the slightly scary, unfamiliar territory of a new domain.
I have to be honest – the work has paled in comparison to
the excitement of welcoming you to my new address!
I’m tidying everything up this week, in anticipation of your
visit. I’ll be serving up new blog posts and plenty of nooks and crannies for
your exploration.
You’re Invited
Who: You
What: A cyberhome warming party
When: Tuesday, February 5th
Why: To introduce you to a new website where I'll be sharing the
truths of God’s Word to encourage you throughout life’s journey
Won’t you join me? I look forward to seeing you on the 5th!
Is there an area of your life where you've gotten too comfortable? Is God challenging you to take a step toward the intimidating unknown? Will you respond in faith today?
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for challenging me to step out in faith and trust You with the direction of my life. I know it won't always be easy, but I desire to grow. Help me to take the next step today. Thank You for the promise that You'll always be with me. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Is there an area of your life where you've gotten too comfortable? Is God challenging you to take a step toward the intimidating unknown? Will you respond in faith today?
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for challenging me to step out in faith and trust You with the direction of my life. I know it won't always be easy, but I desire to grow. Help me to take the next step today. Thank You for the promise that You'll always be with me. In Jesus' name, Amen.

*I'm hosting over at Living by Grace today. Join in the conversation!