Monday, June 8, 2009

Bogged Down

This morning I felt bogged down with the weight of having to 'fix' lots of situations - ranging from concern about whether I had offended someone, to feeling like I had to find a summer job for my daughter . Usually, I have a pretty clearcut list of things I have to accomplish for the day and I thoroughly enjoy a routine: getting up to exercise (which also serves as time to focus my thoughts in prayer), making breakfast and spending time in Bible study before I dive into my "to-do" list. After I discovered the BIG leak from the hot-water heater (something I had not planned for!), however, I was having a difficult time re-focusing on what needed to be done. Once I made a call to our plumber, I sat down - eager to see what God had for me from His Word.

I'm on week 3 of Believing God, by Beth Moore. Needless to say, I was a bit disappointed to see that today's lesson was dealing with God's ability to perform miraculous physical healings if it's His will. I was trying to bridge the gap between what I was experiencing and the lesson for the day, when God showed me a simple truth: I'm not responsible to "fix" things (whether situations or people) just to pray for each and leave 'fixing' in His hands - after all, He's sovereign! In the Apostle Paul's case, he was given the amazing power to heal physically sick individuals in the book of Acts. Imagine his disappointment when he had to leave Trophimus behind in Miletum because Trophimus was sick. No doubt Paul had prayed just as fervently for Trophimus as he had for those in the book of Acts, yet the outcomes were different. No healing in one case, healing in the other. But Paul wasn't confused. He didn't put God in a box, demanding that He respond the same way in all situations.

It may be a female thing, or that mothering instinct, that convinces me that I'm responsible for how things turn out. Wow, have I been deceived. I need to pray and seek God's will in each situation, knowing that He is able to work things out far better than I could. Ephesians 3:20-21 says, "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, 21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." (KJV)

How about you? Are you a 'fixer,' or are you looking to our all-sufficient God to work things out in His way and timing? How encouraging to realize: He is in control!

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